Stellenausschreibung Event-Inklusionsmanager*in im Sport (M/W/D)

Der Deutsche Gehörlosen-Sportverband – DGSV – ist der Dachverband des Sportbetriebes für gebärdensprachorientierte Menschen in Deutschland. Unter seinem Dach sind insgesamt 14 Landesverbände und 21 Sportfachsparten organisiert. Der Verband organisiert Welt- und Europa- meisterschaften im eigenen Land, seine Fachsparten organisieren Deutsche Gehörlosen-Meisterschaften und weitere Sportveranstaltungen im Gehörlosensport. Sitz des DGSV ist in Köln.

Für die Weiterentwicklungen im Handlungsfeld Inklusion sucht der Deutsche Gehörlosen-Sportverband e.V. zum 01.09.2021 eine/n

Event-Inklusionsmanager*in im Sport (M/W/D)
in Teilzeit (30 Stunden pro Woche)

Gesucht wird eine kommunikationsstarke, selbstständige und teamorientiere Persönlichkeit möglichst mit erster Berufserfahrung im Themenfeld Inklusion. Ein sportlicher Werdegang ist wünschenswert, jedoch keine Voraussetzung. Die Stelle ist für Menschen mit einer Schwerbehinderung ausgeschrieben. Die Stelle setzt regelmäßige Präsenzzeiten in kleineren und internationalen Sportevents des DGSV sowie in der DGSV- Geschäftsstelle in Köln voraus. Die Bereitschaft zu regelmäßiger Reisetätigkeit im Inland wird vorausgesetzt. Eine Homeoffice-Regelung kann vereinbart werden.


Quelle: DGS


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In summer 2021 we got the permission to host the international Basketball Camp 2021 in Hannover, Germany. The specifications are online now. We are looking forward to you signing in. It will be a memorable Basketball Camp, this much we will promise. We are looking forward to meeting you there.

What is a basketball camp?                                                                                                                                                                                              The camp invites athletes who are crazy about playing basketball to spend a ten days  “basketball holiday” in Hannover.The camp offers daily training sessions in a state-of-the-art sports hall with coaches of the basketball association who are either playing high-class basketball themselves or who are successfully coaching their teams. Apart from that the camp also offers numerous activities like workshops, team building, swimming or trips. The camp is a great opportunity to meet people and make friends from all over the world.


Where will the participants stay ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      You will find further information  here in April ’21. All the participants of the camp will stay at the international youth hostel in Hannover (they offer 4 bed-rooms and 6 bed-rooms fully equipped with bathroom, shower, toilet and a common room. They provide everything you need.)


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Who can sign in for the camp?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  All it takes is being crazy about playing basketball. It does not matter whether you have just started playing or still need some exercise. Whether you are a  street-player or  a representative player – everybody is welcome.The camp provides individual advice and training depending on your skills and experience. Boys and girls can participate according to their age-group.

How much is the camp?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The ten days-stay at the camp is Euro 320 including hostel and full board.

Who can answer my questions?                                                                                                                                                                            The team of the DGSJ-committee’s office will be happy to help you. Contact us at

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